Monday, April 18, 2011

The meaning of the Revolution

The original meaning of the term "revolution" is to change the government and the governor, as well as the whole political system. But there are other meanings of word as well. The best meaning of the Egyptian revolution is not to change the president and his corrupt regime and shuffle all the ugly faces around, but it strives to change the way of life and thinking of the average Egyptian.

At the beginning of the revolution, we all watched what Egyptian people from all walks of life had done, which was quite unique by all means. A beautiful picture of the Egyptian people, a complete artist's portrait of the great civilization of mankind. The ordinary meaning of revolution is very different from what the Egyptians have asked for. The revolution in Egypt was not against a president, a presidential regime, a corrupt party, but it was a revolution against ignorance and corruption. In spite of the poverty in Egypt, the revolution was not to fight poverty but to call for human rights and justice, to call for lost dignity.

The revolution was a cry for clean streets and great schools, where a new generation will be educated to build the future civilization of Egypt. It was a cry for clean hospitals where people can be well treated. It was a cry for policemen who work to serve both the country and the people who pay taxes, not to act as their master; for a police force that is respected because they represent the country and the law, and do not abuse their power.

The revolution allowed the people to have their voices heard in their country, and has the potential to grow political value abroad, so the Egyptians can feel respected in all countries, never to be disrespected nor underestimated anywhere either as a worker or as a tourist. This was the Egyptian revolution, and once again, time after time, the great Egypt gives another lesson to history.

Hisham El Meniawy